Last June, the New York Times scooped Rupert Murdoch’s many media outlets and reported that Murdoch and Jerry Hall were headed for a divorce. It seemed sudden, because we usually heard about how Jerry and Rupert were pretty happy together. It was clear that Jerry wanted out and she sprang the divorce papers on him a short time after she leaked the news to the NYT. They finalized the divorce by mid-August. It was insane how quickly it happened! From what we know, Jerry walked away with some real estate and a retirement nest egg in the low eight-figures. So, Murdoch was single and ready to mingle. He apparently started up with another American, this one named Ann Lesley Smith. He proposed to her on St. Patrick’s Day and she said yes. They confirmed the news to Cindy Adams, the gossip columnist for the Murdoch-owned New York Post:
Rupert Murdoch. Professionally, the parent of Earth’s media. Personally, the creator of new news himself. Celebrating March, his Nativity month, a new scoop is Mr. Murdoch’s getting married — again. But first, before anything, we discuss the important stuff. Like his bride-to-be’s Asscher-cut diamond solitaire which the almost groom personally selected. He says: “I’m one-fourth Irish.” He presented the ring to her on St. Pat’s Day in our very own NYC.
He says: “I was very nervous. I dreaded falling in love — but I knew this would be my last. It better be. I’m happy.”
Former San Fran police chaplain Ann Lesley Smith, 66, whose late husband was Chester Smith, the country singer, radio and TV exec: “For us both it’s a gift from God. We met last September.
“I’m a widow 14 years. Like Rupert, my husband was a businessman. Worked for local papers, developed radio and TV stations and helped promote Univision. So I speak Rupert’s language. We share the same beliefs. In perspective, it’s not my first rodeo. Getting near 70 means being in the last half. I waited for the right time. Friends are happy for me.”
Rupert on meeting at his vineyard Moraga in Bel Air, Calif.: “She and her husband also owned a vineyard and had been in the wine business. Last year when there was 200 people at my vineyard, I met her and we talked a bit. Two weeks later I called her.”
Steeped in wisdom I said: OK. But today it’s all about couples just living together. No ceremony. That’s the new trend. In Hollywood, they even iron out the divorce settlement before rushing ahead with any wedding. The groom-to-be adds: “We’re both looking forward to spending the second half of our lives together.”
The wedding’s late summer. Besides a personal shopper, friends are scouring shops and designers for Ann’s gown. They will spend their time between California, the UK, Montana and New York. Rupert Murdoch appeared so happy that somehow I didn’t think it was the right moment to ask him for a raise.
[From The NY Post]
“The second half of our lives”? Rupert Murdoch is 92 years old and he’s marrying a 66-year-old!! I mean… I think he was happy enough with Jerry, in that she didn’t demand anything from him and she kept him company. Jerry was the one who wanted out, presumably because she thought she would be his widow. Well, now this lady will probably survive him. For what it’s worth, the overwhelming bulk of his estate goes to his children. I feel like every woman should know that by now. I mean… I think he’s a monster, but even monsters like to have companionship. It is what it is.
Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid, Cover Images.
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