On Sunday, Draymond Green and Hazel Renee, whose engagement photos they shared exclusively with ESSENCE, tied the knot in front of a large gathering of family and friends. The wedding took place in San Diego, but there were other events for guests to partake in throughout the weekend. There was a bridal brunch in honor of Hazel, as well as a welcome party for guests to mix and mingle. All the events were packed, including with famous folks and their significant others. Many snapped pictures and shared them using the colorful wedding hashtag “#ForeverSeeingGreen.”
From LeBron and Savannah to Steph and Ayesha, see who showed up throughout the special weekend to celebrate the newest Mr. and Mrs., with many of the fun images snapped by photographer Raven B. Varona. Oh, and as a side note, it seems the dress code for guests who weren’t in the wedding party was black, in case you find yourself noticing a stylish trend.
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