What does December 27th 2022 bring for MY star sign?

My Daily Horoscope: What does December 27th 2022 bring for MY star sign? Oscar Cainer tells all

Dreams are ephemeral. As we wake up, they disappear, leaving hazy sketches in our thoughts. But, by connecting to our intuition, we can find inspiring ideas about how to improve our reality. 

After linking with Mercury, dreamy Neptune aligns encouragingly with Venus and extends a cosmic invitation to question assumptions and clear up confusion. It takes courage to dare to dream. But, as we move towards 2023, the results can be spectacular. 

Read more horoscopes on MailOnline. 

Oscar Cainer (pictured) tells all. Dreams are ephemeral. As we wake up, they disappear, leaving hazy sketches in our thoughts


March 21 – April 20

In times long past being a prince of princess meant constantly looking over your shoulder in fear of your sibling… oh, and your aunts and uncles too. Since the sovereign had absolute power, people of dubious character, with a link to the throne, went to all sorts of lengths to get their hands on the crown. Even though we don’t have the pressures of royalty, we’ve all experienced the challenges of dealing with tricky family members. Today brings proof of how strong your ties are… and evidence of how much you’re appreciated.

Live life to the full! There is helpful advice and pleasing news in your latest in-depth forecast. Visit cainer.com.


April 21- May 21 

We’ve all had hopeless celebrity crushes. It’s as if projecting our romantic ideals on someone we’re never going to meet (let alone get to know) enables us to maintain some kind of fantastical idea about love. The danger, is that we transcribe this dream on our own relationships – and the real person inevitably falls short of the ideal. As Venus, your ruler, links with Neptune, it helps you see someone for who they really are. Even though they’re not perfect, they have a vibrancy that deserves to be celebrated and enjoyed.

Do you need support? What’s the best way to move forward and ensure success? See your weekly forecast at cainer.com.


May 22 – June 22

The week between Christmas and New Year often feels like a no-man’s land. Not enough time to get on with anything productive, but too much to feel that sitting around eating chocolate is socially acceptable. As we approach the start of 2023, you’re experiencing this ambivalence. Something important is hanging in the balance. Although that might sound as if you’re in a state of stasis, it’s providing you with an opportunity to dictate the direction of your future. If you know what you want, you can gently set the wheels in motion.

After linking with Mercury, (pictured) dreamy Neptune aligns encouragingly with Venus and extends a cosmic invitation to question assumptions and clear up confusion

There’s no reason to worry. All you need is some guidance. Your week-ahead forecast can help, cainer.com.


June 23 – July 23

Most shops and online stores operate reasonable returns policies. If we don’t like the item we’ve purchased, we can send it (or take it) back and get a refund. Fortunately, there’s no attempt to try to persuade us that we should rethink our decision. No one says ‘oh… but that colour looks so good on you… are you sure you want to return it?’ In your world, however, there’s a chance that someone might do their best to talk you into (or out of) a decision today. Stand your ground. Don’t be susceptible to doubts. You know what’s right.

Your week-ahead forecast will help you see the bigger picture and keep you moving in the right direction, cainer.com.


July 24 – August 23

Spiritual teachers talk about the importance of ‘being in the now’. We’re not meant to be living in the past, or dreaming about the future. We’re supposed to be enjoying the present moment. But you know that don’t you? Surely you’re not the kind of person who wishfully looks back. Or wastes time projecting your thoughts forwards? Oh… I forgot, you’re only human! It’s possible that you’re struggling with a decision because you’re contemplating too many ‘may-bes’ and ‘could-bes’. If you trust your feelings, you’ll know what to do.

What does your heart desire? How can you achieve what you really want? See your latest weekly forecast at cainer.com.


August 24 – September 23

‘There are bad times just around the corner, the horizon is gloomy as can be’. Before you start to panic, this is NOT your prediction. I’m quoting these lyrics because they were written as a brilliant celebration of scepticism. And today, that’s a feeling you can throw out the window. As we approach the New Year, you’re wondering what it holds for you. The easiest option, in these challenging times, is to lower your expectations. But don’t. As long as you don’t fear the future, and embrace it, you can be confident that it will be good.

You know what you need to change. You can make it happen! Your week-ahead forecast contains important advice at cainer.com.


September 24 – October 23

When something doesn’t come to pass, we often berate ourselves. What did we do wrong? Are we being punished for a past transgression? Is it karma? Fate? But isn’t it also possible that it didn’t happen for a good reason? Maybe the timing wasn’t quite right. Maybe another path will take us more directly to our goal. As your ruler, Venus, aligns with mysterious Neptune, if you sit back and trust that the cosmos knows what it’s doing, you’ll see incontrovertible proof that it does! The right thing will happen next.

There are reasons to feel positive! If you want good news, see your latest, in-depth forecast at cainer.com.


October 24 – November 22

We tend to think that ‘supporting’ someone means ‘agreeing’ with them. Although it sometimes does, there are times when it’s more supportive (and valuable) to point out what others are too polite or nervous to say. If you find yourself involved in a dispute today, know that it could potentially develop into a strong alliance. Whether you’re disagreeing with someone or being disagreed with, try to remember that it’s not a conflict. If you’re prepared to be authentic, and to learn, this interaction could end up being very helpful.

To hear how you can change your life for the better soon, read your latest week-ahead forecast at cainer.com.


November 23 – December 21

‘Hey, you, get off of my cloud. Don’t hang around ’cause two’s a crowd’. I mention this Rolling Stones song because an issue involving friendship has moved to the top of your agenda. It seems that someone’s taking up more space than they have the right to take. As a result, you don’t have any energy for someone who’s more deserving of your attention. As Venus and Neptune align, you can reassess your priorities. If you focus on the loyal companion whose demands seem less ‘urgent’, you’ll develop a bond of special trust.

Don’t worry about the future. Understand it, embrace it… and transform it. Learn how in your latest forecast at cainer.com.


December 22 – January 20

They tell us that ‘to assume is to make as ass out of you and me’. Which is very wise and true. But it’s easy to say if you’re just sitting around thinking up clever things to tell people. For the rest of us, we just have to muddle through life’s confusions. And sometimes, that involves making assumptions. But it’s possible, now that a certain person has ‘assumed’ that you feel a certain way about a sensitive issue. And that you’re fairly confident that you know their views too. Asking a few careful questions will save a lot of silliness.

Auspicious alignments suggest good times lie ahead. Learn more in your latest in-depth forecast at cainer.com.


January 21 –  February 19

We tend to think that disagreements are negative – and try to avoid them. But there’s nothing wrong with arguing. We often learn more about one another when we disagree than when we live in a state of neutral acceptance. Similarly, there’s nothing wrong with a problem. We can profit far more from rising to a challenge, than we ever can from taking the easy route. Today, the issue isn’t about what’s going on in your world. It’s about how you’re dealing with it. If you accept what’s unfolding, with good grace, the result will be good.

Need to change something in your world? Your latest in-depth forecast tells you how. Visit cainer.com.


February 20 – March 20

We’re creatures of habit. We tend to do the same things we’ve always done in much the same way as we’ve always done them. Once in a while though, something new comes into our world. But even then, don’t we approach fresh experiences in the same familiar way? It’s rare to be genuinely surprised by the way we respond to a situation. And rarer still to be shocked by the positivity of our reaction. So, be ready for an unusual sensation. As Venus links with your ruler, Neptune, a delightful unexpected event is on its way.

Make the most of your opportunities. Your latest, in-depth forecast contains inspiring news. Visit cainer.com.

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