Woman who farted ‘left fuming’ as boyfriend tells her to ‘be more ladylike’
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    A woman says she left fuming after her boyfriend told her to 'be more ladylike' after she farted.

    The 24-year-old woman explained that she and her 30-year-old boyfriend had been together for almost two years, but only lived together for the past four months.

    In a recent post on forum website Reddit, the woman explained that her partner had been getting really "frustrated" with her because he says she "farts too much" in their home, and it "disgusts him".

    READ MORE: 'I sell my farts for a living but still deserve respect – it's not an easy job'

    According to The Mirror, the anonymous woman wrote: "I tend to fart a few times at night, and he gets super grumpy, and has accused me of doing it on purpose (I'm not). He says I 'don't need to push it out'. We just got in a big argument about it tonight because I farted in the kitchen on accident."

    She explained she was getting "extremely fed up" with his treatment of her, and him telling her what she's doing "isn't natural" and that she needs to "be more like a lady". She added: "I feel like I should be able to fart in my own home without judgement. I told him I was sick and tired of his attitude and acting like I'm some sort of freak for doing something that everyone does."

    The couple are now sleeping in separate rooms and aren't speaking, so she turned to the forum website for help. The post has now had over 4,300 comments, with many being incredibly supportive of the woman.

    One person commented: "Ladies fart. Everyone farts. Not feeling comfortable enough to fart in your own home because this dude has some archaic belief that it's not ladylike seems miserable."

    While another added: "Does he also think women poop glitter? He sounds very dumb and also ridiculous. Make your point by freaking out every time he farts/sneezes/burps so he sees how absurd he's being."

    A third chimed in: "What a controlling b*****d. Farting is normal. You SHOULD be able to fart in your own home. Find yourself a man like mine. When either of us farts, the other says "Good one!" and we laugh. (We used to blame the dog but he died.) We are a couple of old farts (pun intended) who accept each other as we are.

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    "When you are in a long term relationship with someone, there's a lot of biology that happens. People get sick, or injured, and don't even get me started on childbirth and the aftermath of that. If he can't accept a little toot now and then, you may not be compatible long term."

    Let's hope the argument doesn't cause too much of a stink between the pair in the long-term.

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