Toyah (Georgia Taylor) and Saira (Kim Vithna) came to blows in tonight’s Coronation Street following the bombshell that Imran’s (Charlie de Melo) ashes had already been buried alongside sister Rana (Bhavana Limbachia).

After initially declining to take Imran’s ashes herself, claiming that she wasn’t ready to face them yet, Toyah made the decision tonight that she wanted to keep some of her husband at home.

However, it appeared she was too late, as Saira had already scattered the ashes by herself.

Following this revelation, Toyah and Saira argued bitterly, with Imran’s mother labelling her daughter-in-law a murderer and expressing her gratitude that the pair had never had their own children.

Luckily for Toyah, sister Leanne (Jane Danson) was on hand to jump in and stop things from escalating too far. She continued to offer her solidarity over a cuppa in the café.

When asked what she would do about the ashes, Toyah joked that she’d ask long-time friend Spider (Martin Hancock) to help her dig them back up.

Much like Leanne, we’re still not 100% sure she was actually joking…

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However, she’ll have to wait a while before putting this plan into action, as we also learnt tonight that Spider had been arrested for aggravated trespassing.

Will their continued friendship end up getting Toyah into even more trouble?

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