“Power Slap: Road to the Title,” a TBS reality series following the titular sports league and its founder, Dana White, has pushed its premiere back a week following a public slap between White and his wife, IndieWire has confirmed.
The series will now premiere its first episode January 18, after originally scheduled to air January 11.
During New Year’s Eve, White was filmed fighting with his wife, Anne White, at the Cabo San Lucas nightclub in Mexico. In the video, which TMZ published, Anne White can be seen slapping her husband before he slaps her in retaliation, leading to a series of blows between them.
White, who is best known as the president of the Ultimate Fighting Championship company, issued an apology to TMZ shortly after the video leaked.
“There was a lot of alcohol involved, but that’s no excuse. You’ve heard me say for years, there’s never ever an excuse for a guy to put his hands on a woman,” White told TMZ. “I’m literally making no excuses for this thing at all. It’s never happened before. It’s the first time it’s ever happened. People are going to say what they’re going to say and it is what is. Whatever people say is deserved. I deserve it.”
Anne White also issued a statement about the incident to TMZ, saying, “Dana and I have been married for almost 30 years. To say this is out of character for him is an understatement — nothing like this has ever happened before. Unfortunately, we were both drinking too much on New Year’s Eve and things got out of control, on both sides. We’ve talked this through as a family and apologized to each other. I just hope people will respect our privacy for the sake of our kids.”
“Power Slap: Road to the Title” is an eight-part series produced by Pilgrim Media Group following athletes competing in the Power Slap sports league founded by White, Lorenzo Fertitta, and Lionsgate unscripted division head Craig Piligian, which sees athletes battling using the titular open-handed strike rather than punches. The series follows a group of athletes from across the globe competing in the first-ever Power Slap matches and living in a cast house. The league was created in partnership with UFC and Endeavor.
White has served as UFC president since 2001 when Lorenzo and Frank Fertitta purchased the company.
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