Asha Alahan (Tanisha Gorey) is taken aback in upcoming Coronation Street episodes when she discovers Aadi (Adam Hussain) has given Kelly Neelan (Millie Gibson) their mum’s engagement ring, due to the fact they are both hoping to win a free holiday in a Weatherfield Gazette competition.

Because it’s a ‘Win a Dream Wedding’ contest, Kelly and Aadi agree they’ll pretend they’re engaged so they stand a higher chance of winning the holiday.

Kelly explains to Aadi that as part of the qualifying process, they have to take part in a Mr and Mrs quiz.

As they get to know each other a bit more, Kelly and Aadi both admit they’ve never had a sexual relationship.

After enjoying their first sexual encounter together, Aadi presents Kelly with his Mum’s engagement ring.

The next day, Asha clocks the ring and confronts her brother.

Aadi admits it’s their Mum’s ring but assures her that he and Kelly aren’t really engaged, they’re just pretending so they can win a holiday.

But how will Asha feel about Aadi’s decision to use their mum’s engagement ring for something that isn’t even genuine?

Asha and Aadi’s mum, Sunita, died in 2013 after becoming trapped in the Rovers Return fire.

She was pushed into the cellar by evil Karl (John Michie) but was pulled from the burning building and rushed to hospital.

However, Karl entered the room and dislodged Sunita’s breathing tubes, which led to her death.

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