A MAN labelled a "rogue landlord" and banned from letting out properties has claimed his tenants "love him" and has hit back at council bosses.
Nilendu Das, 55, was given a ten year ban on letting out properties this week after city council officials took him to court.
Sheffield City Council accused Mr Das, who was once jailed for harassing tenants, of having a "long history of operating and managing extremely poor quality housing."
The Indian restaurant owner has now been added to the Rogue Landlord Database and is now subject to the longest letting ban in the UK.
He owns multiple properties in the Crookes area of Sheffield, South Yorks.
But when asked about the ban, Nilendu hit back at Sheffield City Council and said:"My tenants think I am the best.
"One of my tenants said I was a good leader – they just love me."
And he went on to accuse the city council of renting out dangerous accommodation.
He added: "They rent out flats that are in 'a dangerous condition'."
Earlier this year, the city council were found to have tenants at risk due to failures to carry out gas safety checks in hundreds of homes.
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The authority reported itself to the regulator last November, confirming more than 800 safety checks were overdue.
Nilendu also insisted it was problem tenants that have trashed his houses.
He said: "I've had druggies and beggars – I've had c*** living in my house.
"They have damaged it, ruined it and all sorts of things yet I'm getting the blame for it.
"It's not just me, other landlords have the same problem.
"But the tenants all love me as a landlord and said I'm the best – but the council have a different mind.
"Look how poorly the tenants are living in council flats compared to my properties.
"They have leaks and are waiting for works to be done.
"What about the dangerous conditions in council flats?
"Tenants put at risk from carbon dioxide, almost killing elderly people which have to be moved out immediately.
"Is that dangerous living compared to my properties?
"I'd say the worst flats are rented out by Sheffield City Council.
"The chairman of the housing committee should concentrate on council flats that are uninhabitable for living rather than private landlords like myself.
"I've always got the upper hand but I don't want to tell the council that.
"I can still get everything I want but it's not right."
The ban comes after Nilednu was convicted of putting tenants at serious harm from fire and exposing them to substandard and dangerous conditions in their homes.
He was ordered to pay over £7,000 in court costs and fines for a list of housing offences as well as health and safety offences at his restaurant.
Das, who has previously been jailed for harassing tenants, was sentenced to a 12 month Community Order in March 2021.
But Nilendu claims he is actually '"very soft" but that the council have actually 'portrayed' him as being "rogue." He said: "People are saying that I'm now famous.
"They are also saying I'm rogue, but now it's time to show that I'm rogue and put my foot down.
"I'm very soft and not how they've portrayed me. I'm not bad as they say I am, really.
"Now it's time to show that I'll go rogue – the council are making me go bad.
"They've ruined my reputation but it doesn't bother me, seriously.
"I don't care at all, but it's bothering other people like my family and workers."
Cllr Douglas Johnson, chair of Sheffield City Council's housing committee, said Das' 'properties were some of the most dangerous properties' seen by the council.
He said: "The length of Nilendu Das' banning order reflects the seriousness of his actions and his flagrant disregard for fire safety and the safety of his tenants.
"We are very happy to see his name on the Rogue Landlord Database.
"Mr Das has a long history of operating and managing extremely poor quality housing and has been prosecuted numerous times by the council.
"This latest prosecution has come as a result of Mr Das' continuation of the most severe housing offences.
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"His properties were some of the most dangerous properties ever seen by the council's enforcement staff."
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