RUSSIA "should not be shy about accepting the hand of Kim Jong-un", a military pundit has said on Russian television.

Igor Korotchenko, speaking on Russia-1, the country’s most-watched channel, suggested North Korean workers are “ready to work alongside” Russia in the conflict in Ukraine and that they should be “given the green light” to assist the war effort.

The pundits later joked about the importance of their relationship with both North Korea and China in fighting against the West, with Korotchenko adding that it was “time to open our border with North Korea and establish normal trade”, thwarting in the process the “UN sanctions regime” on Kim Jong-un’s dictatorship.

Read our Ukraine-Russia blog below for the latest updates…

  • Matt Snape

    Buildings destroyed and three civilians injured during Russian shelling

    Overnight Russian shelling in Dnipropetrovsk injured three people and damaged residential buildings, including a kindergarten and a children’s art centre, according to reports from the Kyiv Independent.

  • Matt Snape

    UK MoD: Russian forces massing in the south

    The UK’s Ministry of Defence has stated there is a monumental build-up of Russian troops in southern Ukraine.

    Guardian Online reports the MoD said it was unclear whether these extra forces were for a new assault on Ukrainian territory of in anticipation for a Ukrainian counter-offensive.

  • Matt Snape

    Harry’s call with Ukrainian mother revealed after Russian kidnap NIGHTMARE

    Prince Harry spoke "strongly and sincerely" about Ukraine to a woman from Mariupol and helped her continue to fight. reports that Yulia Paievska, 53, said she “cried from emotions” when the Duke of Sussex’s call came in, only a few days after she was released from three-month captivity.

    Paievska was captured and tortured by Russian troops in March when she rushed to assist people trapped at a shelled Ukrainian theatre, as she was volunteering as a paramedic.

    She told the Telegraph of her chat with Prince Harry: “He simply inspired me to continue to fight.”

    Adding he had spoken so “strongly and sincerely” about Ukraine that inspired her to keep assisting people.

  • Matt Snape

    Ukraine: Nuclear warning as Putin attacks at plant 'endanger entire civilised world'

    Ukraine has provided an urgent nuclear warning as Zaporizhzhia nuclear powerplant was bombed for the second time today. reports that Ukraine's state nuclear power company, Energoatom, suggested the attacks had hit "directly on the site" of the Zaporizhzhia plant near the reactor. The Kyiv Independent reported there was a huge risk of a radioactive leak at the plant.

    It said: "There is a high risk of fire, as well as hydrogen and radioactive leakage, according to the operator.

    "On Aug. 5, the plant shut down one of the three operating power units as Russia continues to 'terrorize and endanger the entire civilized world,' the statement [from Enerogoatom] reads."

  • Matt Snape

    Head of Amnesty International Ukraine QUITS following report

    The head of Amnesty International Ukraine Oksana Pokalchuk has quit following the release of a report by the NGO that accused Ukrainian troops of putting civilians at risk. reports that the document said that Ukrainian soldiers were endangering civilians by positioning themselves in residential areas.

    She wrote in a statement: "We, on the part of the Ukrainian office, constantly emphasized that the press release that the organization issued on August 4 should have at least investigated two sides and taken into account the position of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine."

    She added: "As a result, without wanting it, the organization created material that sounded like support for Russian narratives. Seeking to protect civilians, this research instead became a tool of Russian propaganda."

  • Matt Snape

    Ukraine’s military demolished six ammunition depots

    Ukraine’s military has successfully demolished six ammunition depots in southern Ukraine, reported The Kyiv Independent.

    It tweeted: "Operational Command ‘South’ said it killed 79 Russian troops and destroyed four tanks, two howitzers, an artillery installation, a radar station, and 22 armored and military vehicles on August 5."

    According to the report, Ukrainian troops also reportedly attacked two Russian control points and one command post.

  • Matt Snape

    New $1 billion US military package being prepared for Ukraine

    A new $1 billion military package is being prepared for Ukraine in the US.

    According to a report by Reuters, three unnamed officials who are aware of the matter confirmed that the package, the biggest so far, is expected to be announced on August 8.

    It will consist of munitions for HIMARS multiple rocket launchers, NASAMS surface-to-air missile system ammunition, and 50 tracked armoured personnel carriers.

    The latest package will add to the $8.8 billion in military support the U.S. has already given Ukraine since February 24.

  • Lauren Lomas

    Russia burning it’s own gas instead of supplying Europe?

    Footage has been shared of gas being burnt off in huge flares.

    Witnesses as far as Finland have seen huge plumes of flames in the sky on Russian land.

    The Finns have seen satellite images, where they observed flares from Gazprom’s Portovaya compressor station every day since June 17.

    This comes after the dispute between Russia and Europe, which threatens to leave households in Europe including Britain freezing this winter.

    “Flaring” means the controlled and deliberate destruction of gas by burning it.

  • Lauren Lomas

    What happens if power supplies are cut to a nuclear power plant

    The UN have issued a worrying statement, telling the world that the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant is “out of control.”

    Ukraine’s state nuclear power company has now warned that a high voltage power line has been hit by Russian shelling.

    According to the International Atomic Energy Agency, there is no immediate danger if a nuclear plant loses it's energy supply.

    It is thought that the reactor has been shut down.

    The Conversation advised: "If power is cut to an operating reactor paired with substantial damage to backup generators, this could result in meltdown in the worst case."

  • Lauren Lomas

    Russian shelling hits power line of nuclear plant

    Ukraine has claimed that a power line connected to the nuclear power plant has been hit by Russian shelling.

    The UN have issued a worrying statement, telling the world that the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant is "out of control."

    Now Ukraine's state nuclear power company has warned that a high voltage power line has been hit by Russian shelling.

    It is unclear what the consequences of this could be.

  • Lauren Lomas

    In pictures: Ukrainians turn battlefield into garden

    Just months ago the site in Donetsk was obliterated as Ukrainians fought Russians making advances into their village.

    The village of Velyka Dymerka managed to reclaim their land, and transform it from death and destruction into a communal garden.

    It was overthrown by the Russians from between February to March, but the Ukrainians managed to push Kremlin fighters back.

    Villagers planted vegetable patches and plants around a wrecked Russian tank that had been discarded after the Russian's fled.

    An aerial photo made from a drone shows vegetables grow around of the debris of a Russian tank at a garden in the village of Velyka Dymerka, Kyiv area, UkraineCredit: EPA
  • Lauren Lomas

    Law officers investigate Russian rocket attack that injured civilians

    Officers in Kharkiv have opened a criminal proceeding after a rocket attack injured four civilians.

    The attack damaged homes in apartment blocks and cars, the Kharkiv Regional Prosecutors Office posted an update on Telegram.

    It read: "A pre-trial investigation was launched into the violation of laws and customs of war (Part 1 Article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

    "Around 9.55pm August 4, 2022, Russian troops opened fire on a residential area of Kharkiv's Shevchenkivskyi District, reportedly with the Tornado-S multiple launce rocket system."

  • Lauren Lomas

    In pictures: Donetsk, no water or electricity

    Constant shelling had downed power lines, and water supplies have cut off.

    The shelling burst the water pipes leading to homes.

    Those still residing in the region have to pump water and carry it back to their homes.

    Two women were snapped leaving their apartments to collect water from the pump.

    Two women pump water out of a well in the courtyard of an apartment complex in Sloviansk, Donetsk region, eastern UkraineCredit: AP
  • Lauren Lomas

    Erdogan hopes talks with Russia will open a 'different page'

    The Turkish President Erdogan believes that the meeting with Putin today will offer new opportunities to discuss different topics.

    He said: "I believe that [the meeting] will open a whole different page in Turkish-Russian relations."

    It is believed the talks could open up a conversation in potentially slowing down fighting in Ukraine, and Syria.

  • Lauren Lomas

    Russian hypersonic missile expert arrested on 'treason' suspicions

    Andrei Shiplyuk is the head of the laboratory at the Novosibirsk Institute.

    The TASS agency reported that he has been arrested.

    He is now the third Russian scientists to have been arrested working at the Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

  • Lauren Lomas

    Brittney Griner: Sentenced to nine years in Russian prison

    The Olympian and basketball star was convicted on drugs charges.

    She was accused of smuggling less than one gram of hashish cannabis oil into Russia, according to reports.

    Russia's foreign minister spoke out about the nation being ready to engage in talks to swap Griner for notorious Russian arms dealer, Viktor Bout.

    In a press conference in Cambodia, Lavrov said: "We are ready to discuss the issue [swap], but this should be done via the channel approved by the presidents," he told, referring to Putin and Biden.

    Phoenix Mercury centre Brittney Griner (42) shoots during the first half of Game 1 of the WNBA basketball Finals against the Chicago Sky, on Oct. 10, 2021Credit: AP
  • Lauren Lomas

    Russia bans the sale of Western banks and companies

    It comes just days after banking giant, HSBC, sold it's businesses in Russia to a local investor.

    Putin has blocked all sales with Western countries until the end of the year.

    A host of countries have slapped Russia with economic sanctions.

  • Lauren Lomas

    Amnesty International 'stands by' criticising Ukraine

    The report stated putting military bases in residential areas was breaking human rights laws and endangering civilians.

    While Ukraine's Volodymyr Zelensky bashed the report last night in his public address, slamming Amnesty for "justifying" the "terroristic" actions of Russia.

    It "fully stands by our research," defended Secretary General Agnes Callamard.

    She told AFP in emailed comments: "The findings… were based on evidence gathered during extensive investigations which were subject to the same rigorous standards and due diligence processes as all of Amnesty International's work."

  • Lauren Lomas

    Russia burning it's own gas instead of supplying Europe?

    Footage has been shared of gas being burnt off in huge flares.

    Witnesses as far as Finland have seen huge plumes of flames in the sky on Russian land.

    The Finns have seen satellite images, where they observed flares from Gazprom's Portovaya compressor station every day since June 17.

    This comes after the dispute between Russia and Europe, which threatens to leave households in Europe including Britain freezing this winter.

    “Flaring” means the controlled and deliberate destruction of gas by burning it.

  • Lauren Lomas

    'Terroristic' Russian invasion cannot be 'justified' says Volodymyr Zelensky

    Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky slammed Amnesty International for accusing his military of "endangering human life."

    The report, stated that by Ukrainian military setting up bases and storing munitions near residential areas, they were putting civilians in "harm's way."

    Furious Zelensky has hit back, saying it is not fair to "shift responsibility from the aggressor to the victim."

    During his nightly address on Thursday night, Zelensky said: "Aggression against our state is unprovoked, invasive and openly terroristic.

    "And if someone makes a report in which the victim and the aggressor are allegedly the same in something, if some data about the victim is analysed and what the aggressor was doing at the same time is ignored, this cannot be tolerated."

  • Lauren Lomas

    Russia revels in Amnesty International's report condemning Ukraine

    The report accused Ukraine's military of breaking human rights laws by setting military bases up in residential areas.

    Setting up military bases in residential areas contravenes the laws or war, as it makes civilians a target for Russian shelling.

    Russian invasion supporters praised the report, and even claimed that it supported their statements that Kyiv was staging attacks, it was proposed by Yevgeny Popov on Kremlin TV.

  • Lauren Lomas

    Turkey's 'balancing act' as Erdogan resumes talks with Putin

    It is thought that Putin could approach the Ukraine invasion situation once again with the Turkish leader.

    Turkey's neutral position has earnt formidable Russia's trust.

    After successfully brokering a deal to allow Ukrainian ships to successfully pass through the Black Sea again, could Turkey make more positive advances in slowing down the Russian invasian.

  • Lauren Lomas

    More Ukrainian grain vessels set sail

    The ships, loaded with grain, left earlier this morning.

    It has been reported that three ships left, as Turkish President Erdogan visits Russia's Black Sea city of Sochi, for talks with Putin.

    It comes after Turkey, Russia and the UN brokered a deal for Ukrainian grain vessels to continue delivering exports.

  • Lauren Lomas

    The University of Cambridge offers to train medical students from Ukraine

    It has been reported that the University will take on 20 students for a seven week training course.

    Many students took to saving lives and treating others with their medical knowledge during the first weeks of the war.

    Cambridge has twinned with Kharkiv National Medical University, to offer the students the free opportunity to study there.

  • Lauren Lomas

    Turkish President meets with Putin

    President Erdogan has travelled to Russia's Black Sea city, Sochi for a meeting with the Russian leader.

    It is thought that at the meeting, the two Presidents will discuss the possibility of Turkey sending military intervention to Syria.

    Putin has spoken of the meeting, saying: "I hope that today we will be able to sign a relevant memorandum on the development of our trade and economic ties."

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