Ekin-Su Cülcüloğlu has addressed a video that went viral showing her boyfriend Davide Sanclimenti getting into a taxi with two women.

The 27 year old opened up on the incident to goss.ie as she insisted he "didn't cheat" on her while she was shooting for her brand deal with Oh Polly in Los Angeles.

“I mean those videos, we know it’s not true because I was talking to him the whole night," she said. “You know the relationship is between me and him and people like to talk,” she continued.

She continued: “The truth behind that is it wasn’t just him, it was a big group, and it just happened to be two girls in a taxi with him and his friend and it just looked wrong, thats all it was.”

“And you know I trust him, he didn’t cheat, and he’s my man."

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