Peter Andre’s house struck by lightning as daughter Princess screams and alarms go off

Peter Andre sparked concern on Sunday 23 October after sharing a clip of his roof after it had been struck by lightning.

The 49 year old, who recently shared the tattoo he regrets getting to most, took to his Instagram feed to post the video, where he showed his 1.8million fans the mess the lightning bolt had left behind – including an array of bricks lying on the grass below.

With the alarms ringing the background and the sounds of the rain and thunder outside, Peter said: "Alright the house has been struck by lightning, flipping heck. Holy heck!"

In the caption, he went on to explain that it was an incredibly loud sound before his daughter Princess, 15, let out a scream to rival the piercing noise.

"Our house just got struck by lightning. The loudest thing I’ve ever heard," he wrote. "Alarms going off. This is mad. Thank god princess is ok."

"Although don’t know what was louder , her scream or the roof. @officialprincess_andre," he added.

Peter's wife Emily, 33, was first to comment, sharing: "I’m just so glad you are all ok. Typical the one week I am away this happens xxx," alongside two crying emojis.

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