The targeted hate campaign against the Middletons will lead to increased security

Carole and Michael Middleton haven’t been seen at any public events since their business collapsed in late May and early June. Party Pieces fell deeply in debt, owing creditors, banks and local businesses over £2.6 million. Carole and Michael Middleton have refused to pay Party Pieces’ debts, and so they’ve spent the past five months hiding out in their £5 million manor home in Bucklebury. Which is probably why two different “malicious poster campaigns” have sprung up in the village. Someone has gone around, posting laminated fliers all around town, criticizing the Middletons for not paying their debts. Then last week, a second poster campaign began – a woman named Molly has posted fliers all over the village, saying that because Party Pieces screwed over so many local vendors, she was fired and had to turn to Only Fans to make money. Throughout this saga, we’ve been told repeatedly that villagers think the poster campaigns are awful. Now the Sun claims that Bucklebury might invest in some additional security to stop people from hanging up fliers about the con artist Middletons.

Villagers are seeking volunteers to boost security and help net poster pests targeting the Princess of Wales’s parents. More helpers are wanted to take part in Neighbourhood Watch schemes.

Several positions are up for grabs in the West Berkshire village of Bucklebury — home to Kate’s parents Carole and Michael Middleton and her sister Pippa’s farm.

An ad in next month’s edition of the parish magazine says: “We are looking for more people to set up or fill Neighbourhood Watch schemes.”

It lists the streets with vacant positions.

One local said: “We need to catch whoever is doing this. While posters on trees may seem harmless, falling victim to a targeted hate campaign must feel intimidating for the Middletons.”

The Sun told yesterday how scores of posters of a scantily clad OnlyFans model were pinned to trees and telegraph poles. The Middletons have faced a malicious campaign since their Party Pieces business went under this summer with £2.6million in debts. The OnlyFans model, named Molly, 23, claimed she asked pals to put up the posters. She said she turned to stripping online after allegedly being let go by a company she claims was left out of pocket when Party Pieces went bust.

[From The Sun]

“Falling victim to a targeted hate campaign must feel intimidating for the Middletons…” This is not a “targeted hate campaign.” It’s a form of nonviolent activism against two local, civilian bigwigs who screwed over local businesses and left a trail of financial destruction in their wake. A “targeted hate campaign” was what Carole Middleton orchestrated against the Duchess of Sussex in 2018 and 2019. Much of that hate campaign came from the Windsors, of course, but Carole was running her own operation out of Bucklebury too, which makes this even more pointed. Carole’s reputation has collapsed alongside her financial house of cards. Everything about Kate’s shady origin story is in question. Carole can’t come back from any of this, no matter how many dumb “neighborhood watch” groups are put together. What are they going to do if they catch the people hanging the fliers?

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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