TV presenter Sarah Cawood diagnosed with breast cancer and will be on medication for years

Sarah Cawood has revealed that she has been diagnosed breast cancer and will be on medication for the next decade.

The presenter, 50, told The Sun about her diagnosis and the moment she was told she had the disease.

“It was my first ever routine mammogram and I got a letter back ­saying they couldn’t give me my screening result back yet.

“So I had another mammogram and an ultrasound and then they said, ‘We’re going to biopsy you’. That’s where they take a bit of tissue from your boob.”

She explained that there was no drama when she told her family: "Nobody cried, it wasn’t very dramatic. It’s just a lumpectomy, radio-therapy, then a drug called Tamoxifen, which is a hormone blocker, for five to ten years.”

She added: “It really is the Carlsberg of breast cancers. If you have to have it, this is the one to have. I feel really lucky. There are people that really are up at creek without a paddle, who have cancer, and I am not that person.

The presenter recently shared a picture of her breast to Instagram and penned: "DON’T REMOVE THIS IMPORTANT PICTURE @instagram . This is how your boob looks after a lumpectomy with sentinel node removal to biopsy. (The dye is to locate your lymph nodes I THINK).

"It also turns your wee the same colour and my face is a funny blue/grey colour.

“Cancer, you have been evicted from Sarah’s Right Boob. Please gather any other cancer cells and leave. PS. No big brother-style audience cheers for this little f****r please".

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