LIMESCALE builds up regularly in areas with hard water and can be persistent when it comes to getting rid of it.

Kettles should be regularly cleaned from limescale – so here's how to make sure those pesky scales don't ruin your morning cup of tea.

How to descale a kettle?

According to cleaning experts, the best way to descale your kettle at home is by using bicarbonate of soda or white vinegar.

These household staples are extremely affordable and ensure great results in a matter of hours.

Another cheap favourite for restoring your kettle is lemon juice, which melts the limescale off and leaves a pleasant smell behind.

Or if you want to go the professional way, you could buy sachets specifically created for the job – and they go for as little as £1.

Here's how to descale your kettle in a few easy steps:

Using bicarbonate of soda

This method is most suitable for a small kettle or a small amount of limescale.


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It's also suitable if you can stay on top of cleaning your appliances regularly.

Here's how to use bicarbonate of soda to clean your kettle:

  1. Simply fill the kettle a quarter of the way with some water and throw in a full tablespoon of bicarbonate of soda
  2. Boil the kettle and allow to sit with the boiled water and bicarbonate of soda for an hour before pouring it out and rinsing it
  3. Finally, fill the kettle with water again and boil it to remove any remaining bicarbonate of soda to avoid a nasty taste the next time you make some tea

Using distilled white vinegar and water

This has proved to be one of the most effective methods to remove limescale from your kettle – and a cheap one, too.

If you have sensitive skin and want to remove the limescale from the spout with vinegar, be sure to wear gloves as it can be an irritant.

Here's how to descale your kettle using white vinegar:

  1. Fill the kettle halfway with water and the other half with vinegar
  2. Boil the kettle
  3. Pour all the liquid out
  4. Boil the kettle again, this time just using water, to remove any taste of vinegar

This method might need to be repeated more than once to get all the limescale out of your kettle.

Using lemon juice

Another clever hack for restoring the kettle to its former glory is using lemon juice.

This method is effective at removing any traces of limescale, while also being cheap – you can find bottled lemon juice for as little as 60p.

Here's how to use lemon juice to descale your kettle:

  1. Fill the kettle halfway with lemon juice
  2. Fill the other half of the kettle with water
  3. Boil the mixture and let it sit for half an hour until the limescale starts to peel off
  4. Pour out the lemon and water, and rinse generously

Descaler products

If you go to your local shop, you might find that there are ready-made products specifically for descaling your kettle.

If you decide to go for any of them, just follow the instructions on the package.

Why is there limescale in my kettle?

Limescale is a chalky substance mostly found in rocks and shells.

It has an off-white colour but can also be grey, pink, or reddish-brown.

Limescale in kettles forms as a result of frequent exposure to hard water as it contains large amounts of calcium and magnesium.

If water is left in your kettle and other appliances, it starts to form a flaky coat and will stick to the inside.

Hard water has a high mineral content and is mostly found in London and southeast England.

Water in areas such as Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales and the southwest and northwest of England tend to have softer water, which is lower in its mineral content but has a higher sodium one.

The Midlands are in between and some areas tend to have harder water than others.

Is limescale in a kettle bad for me?

Limescale is not bad for you because it is a natural-occurring substance.

However, limescale can alter the taste of water and other liquids.

If you are in an area where the tap water is hard and contains larger amounts of limescale, it is recommended you use a water filter where possible.

It is not true that limescale can cause health problems such as kidney stones.

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But if left uncleaned for too long, limescale can prove to be great breeding ground for bacteria.

So next time you're cleaning your kitchen, give your kettle some much-needed attention.

Cleaning hacks and tips

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  • How to clean your microwave using cheap household items
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