AGING gracefully is becoming more achievable for women all over the world.

It turns out that there’s an alcoholic beverage that helps people look more youthful than ever — depending on how you use it.

Drinking alcoholic beverages is known to age people faster because alcohol is filled with toxins.

Heavy drinking can directly impact your health from the inside out, but what if you used alcohol for a different purpose?

A TikToker and beauty expert who goes by @NaturalFaceBible uploaded a video with a genius tip.

Sake is a popular Japanese drink that’s already carved a place for itself in history.

It’s made by fermenting polished rice and generally has a sweet taste to it.

A typical bottle of Sake contains about 14 to 16 percent of alcohol.

It doesn’t need to be consumed orally for those who want to maintain a youthful glow though.

The nutrients from Sake are what you would use when taking great care of your skin.

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The beauty expert revealed what her 46-year-old skin looks like after using a Japanese beauty secret that involves Sake as the main ingredient.

She says: “If you only drink Sake, your skin is missing out on its superpower skin benefits."

“[My] Japanese skincare routine to fade dark spots and prevent aging," her caption adds.

Several people who care about upgrading their skincare routines have added responses in her comment section.

One person asked: “How do you use it?"

She responded by saying: "You mix with powder, water, and apply. Amazing stuff for skin!"

“Obsessed with Japanese beauty secrets and this brightening, spot fading, moisturizing, pure Sake mask,” another woman added.

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Another person asked: “Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t Sake alcohol? And isn’t alcohol not good for the skin?"

To that, the skincare pro responded by saying: “[It's just] nutrients left from the yeast remains in Sakekasu, including carbohydrates, protein, fibers, vitamin B."

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