Waitress urging servers to confront customers sparks fierce debate

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A TikTok waitress suggested servers should confront people who haven’t left them a tip while at work. The content creator with $30K followers said: “$0 tip? No problem, let me tell you how to resolve that. I’ve been in the service industry for four years and only had this happen to me a handful of times.”

She went on: “If they haven’t left yet, walk up to whoever paid, in front of everyone and say, ‘Hey, sir/ma’am. I see you didn’t leave a tip. Is there anything I can improve on with the service that you feel like you could share with me?’

“Nine times out of 10 they’re going to make an excuse like, ‘oh, I didn’t see the receipt and they’re going to give you some kind of tip, a couple of bucks here and there.”

“Worst case scenario they just give you a verbal tip to improve your service so you can make more money in the long run.”

She also suggested speaking to your manager if you weren’t tipped, to see if they can comp you something from the bill. She said: “If your tab was really high I would explain to the manager the situation, see if they can comp off a soda or something so you can at least make a couple of dollars off of it. The moral of the story is just confront them.”

Her tip only applies to those working in restaurants. For bartenders, she advised: “If you’re a bartender and someone $0 tips you, I would just take forever to serve them again.”

@smarthotties Improve your service by following my page so this rarely happens! #notip #zerodollartip #stiffed #serving #server #waitress #bartender #bottlegirl #servertips #serverlife #restaurant #nightclub #bottlegirl #smarthotties ♬ original sound – Bottle Girl | Server

But content creator Jess Rowland, who describes himself as a “career server” did not agree. He said waiters should “never” confront customers, and advised: “Have a manager do that.”

He advised any servers to ask their manager to ask customers why there weren’t tipped. He warned people who try either of Kat’s tips might get fried.

He said: “Yeah, (the customer is) embarrassed, and you get fired.”

For those asking to be comped from the bill, he said: “You’re fired twice.”

His response caused debate in the comments. Some said their work asked them to confront customers.

One woman, Arinna, agreed: “Doing any of these things would get me fired.”

One Kristen wrote: “I’ve only had a few tables in all my years not top – I would NEVER ask them why! NEVER!! That’s insane.”

But not everyone had the same experience. One, Gnar, said: “My boss encouraged us to do this. He would never fire us. Also, we don’t allow people to come back if they are repeat offenders.”

Another Alissa, said: “Our restaurant wants us to ask because if someone doesn’t tip it usually means something is wrong and I can change it before they leave possibly.”

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