What I Rent: Hafsa, £514 a month for a two-bedroom flat in Muscat, Oman

It’s Tuesday, so it’s time for What I Rent – our weekly series that takes you inside people’s rented homes.

Last time we were in the New Forest, where Amy pays £470 a month to share a three-bedroom house.

This week we’re a little further afield than usual.

Hafsa, known as @thehomeofhafsa on Instagram, is an architect, a design consultant, and a mum of two children.

The 34-year-old and her husband moved into a two-bedroom apartment in Muscat, Oman, four months ago.

We chatted with Hafsa about what she rents.

Hey, Hafsa! How much do you pay to live here?

We pay $597 (£514) per month, excluding bills, which are around $129 (£111) approximately.

And what do you get for what you pay?

It’s a two-bedroom apartment. We’ve got a living room, one master bedroom, one room for the kids and a powder room. There are attached bathrooms with both the rooms which is really helpful.

Do you feel like you have a good deal?

Absolutely! I wanted an outdoor area where my kids could play or ride their bikes. This building has one and on days when the weather is nicer, the kids always run outside.

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Considering the rent is quite affordable, this deal suited us very well.

Whereabouts is the flat? What do you think of the area?

Our apartment is located in Al Hail Muscat, Oman. We love this area; it’s very quiet, peaceful and safe. Everything is just a five-minute walk away.

How did you find the property?

The building is close to our son’s school. One day, on our way back from school, we saw the ad that it was available to be rented, and decided to take a look inside.

How have you made the apartment feel like home?

I really believe adding a touch of your personality can make you feel at home, wherever you are.

In my previous apartment, I had chosen warmer color tones, so this time, I decided to opt for earthy and cooler color tones for my living area. Each room has its own color scheme and a completely different vibe.

I’m obsessed with adding mirrors, rugs, cushions and candles, so you will find them all around my house.

Have you found it difficult to decorate when renting? Is your landlord happy with you doing bits?

Not at all. Our landlord did visit our place and saw all the changes and said it looked nice.

Do you feel like you have enough space?

Yes, space was another selling point for me.

Apart from the spacious rooms, we have a store and a laundry area which is not easily available in most apartments.

Are there any problems with the home you have to deal with?

We had a few fixes that required attention when we shifted but nothing major.

Thankfully, our landlord dealt with all our problems right away.

Do you have plans to move again any time soon?

Not right now.

And what about buying a place?

Everyone dreams of owning a house and so do we. Let’s see what lies ahead.

For now, we’re happy renting this apartment in our quiet neighborhood.

Fair play. Shall we look around?

What I Rent is a weekly series that’s out every Tuesday at 10am.

Check back next week to have another nose around a rented property.

How to get involved in What I Rent

What I Rent is Metro.co.uk’s weekly series that takes you inside the places people are renting, to give us all a better sense of what’s normal and how much we should be paying.

If you fancy taking part, please email [email protected]. You’ll need to take pictures of your kitchen, living room, bathroom, and bedroom, plus a few photos of you in your bedroom or living area.

Make sure you get permission from your housemates! You’ll also need to be okay with sharing how much you’re paying for rent, as that’s pretty important.

We’re not just after the prettiest places out there, by the way. We want the reality of renting, so if you’re currently renting a place you hate, we’d love to see that too (and sympathise greatly!).

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