Google issues another urgent Chrome alert! Check your PC and Mac now

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If you use Chrome to search the web, watch YouTube and check your daily dose of emails then beware. Google has issued another urgent alert to all users and it’s vital that you check your Chrome browser is fully up to date and running the very latest version. The reason for the urgency is that a bug has been found that’s been given the dreaded zero-day rating.

This is the worst type of flaw as it basically means it’s possible – and highly likely – the glitch is already known to criminals and is being used right now to attack PCs with both Windows and macOS affected.

It’s because of that rating that Google has worked so quickly to push out a fix as once PCs are fully updated hackers will no longer be able to target the flaw.

It’s now vitally important that all users check their Windows laptops and Macbooks to make sure things are upgraded to the very latest version.

Anyone using Windows will be safe once they have 107.0.5304.121/.122 installed and Mac users need to check for Chrome 107.0.5304.121.

You can check your current version of Chrome by simply launching the browser, then clicking Chrome from the menu bar and tapping About Chrome – here you’ll see what is installed and if any upgrades are available.

How to update Google Chrome on your computer

Confirming the release, Google said: “We are that an exploit for CVE-2022-4135 exists in the wild.

“We would also like to thank all security researchers that worked with us during the development cycle to prevent security bugs from ever reaching the stable channel.

“The Stable channel has been updated to 107.0.5304.121 for Mac and Linux and 107.0.5304.121/.122 for Windows, which will roll out over the coming days/weeks.”

As always the firm won’t disclose more details about the flaws until it’s certain that the majority of users have upgraded their web browser, but it’s clearly serious so don’t delay in making sure your PC is up to date.

How to update your Chrome browser:

• On your computer, open Chrome.

• At the top right, click More.

• Click Help. About Google Chrome.

• Click Update Google Chrome. Important: If you can’t find this button, you’re on the latest version.

• Click Relaunch.

News of this latest flaw comes just a month after another critical issue was found within Chrome. That bug, which was discovered in October, was also handed the dread Zero-day rating with all users urged to upgrade their software without delay.

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