Caleb reveals his violence to Leyla in Emmerdale spoiler video

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Caleb Milligan (William Ash) made his arrival to the Emmerdale village last December and yet, we still don’t know a great deal about him.

Brother to Cain (Jeff Hordley) and Chas (Lucy Pargeter), Caleb is certainly a man of mystery and has been dabbling up at Home Farm recently, securing deals with Kim (Claire King) and communicating with Nicky (Lewis Cope).

One person he has also connected with is Leyla (Roxy Shahidi), who has only just about gotten over being kidnapped by drug-dealer Callum (Tom Ashley).

Standard day for Leyla, honestly.

We discover in upcoming episodes that Leyla and Caleb have quite a lot of chemistry, and they are thoroughly enjoying spending time with each other.

When Leyla spots someone watching her from a car window, Caleb offers to confront the person for her. Leyla digs deep for inner strength and says no, she won’t let Callum scare her any longer (despite the fact he’s definitely got an axe to grind which means she is wholly unsafe).

However, as this new video shows, Leyla’s paranoia isn’t going to go away anytime soon.

She’s seen walking to the Village Hall, convinced she’s being followed.

Just as she enters, Leyla’s stalker approaches behind her – but then Caleb gets involved and apprehends him instead.

He’s playing the hero, but what is Caleb up to?

Is he simply looking out for Leyla from a place of kindness, or is this part of whatever he’s currently planning?

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