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Loose Women star Janet Street-Porter left fans in stitches after she confessed she was given a bottle of detergent to “wash her knickers in” after her Las Vegas wedding.
During Tuesday’s visit to the ITV studios, beloved presenter Ruth Langsford welcomed viewers back to the show alongside her panellists Coleen Nolan, Kelly Holmes and the fiery redhead.
One of the biggest topics on the show this week was Richard Murdoch’s recent announcement that he is set to walk down the aisle for the fifth time with Ann Lesley Smith.
As the panellists discussed whether or not they would tie the knot again later in life, the broadcaster looked back over her four marriages throughout her life.
When she was told that the business mogul had surpassed her record of four marriages, Janet reminded the panel that she didn't really count her Las Vegas wedding to David Sorkin.
She explained: "I had four in total, I mean if you're including the one in Las Vegas, but I didn't really think about it.
"Although the carrier bag that you got at the little Elvis chapel or whatever it was called [made it worth it].
"You get a little carrier bag of stuff like detergent to wash your knickers in," she joked.
The studio soon erupted into laughter as the former Olympian quipped: "I'm not coming to you for [love] advice!"
Ruth couldn't help but poke fun as she joked: "You'd wake up the next morning with that little bag and go, 'Uh oh'."
Janet cheekily added: "[You'd think] 'What did I do at 3.30 in the morning and how can I possibly undo it?'".
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- Loose Women
- Ruth Langsford
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