Britain should go for Brexit opportunities more, says Ron DeSantis

‘Be aggressive’: British ministers should go after Brexit opportunities more forcefully, says US presidency contender Ron DeSantis

  • Florida Governor Ron DeSantis said he was a ‘big supporter’ of Brexit
  • But he urged ministers to be more ‘aggressive’ in exploiting the benefits  

Ministers should be more ‘aggressive’ in exploiting the benefits of Brexit, a leading contender for the US Presidency said last night.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis revealed he is a ‘big supporter’ of Britain’s decision to leave the EU.

Mr DeSantis is seen as the leading rival to Donald Trump in the race for the Republican nomination in next year’s Presidential election.

In an interview with The Times he urged ministers to do more to take advantage of the new freedoms offered by the UK’s new Brexit freedoms.

‘My impression, based on what we get here, is that the Conservative Party hasn’t been as aggressive at fulfilling that vision as they should have been and that maybe they’ll get punished in the next election as a result of that,’ he said.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (pictured) revealed he is a ‘big supporter’ of Britain’s decision to leave the EU

Mr DeSantis is seen as the leading rival to Donald Trump in the race for the Republican nomination in next year’s Presidential election

‘I do think that, you know, there’s been some disappointment from what I can tell that it wasn’t done more aggressively.’

Mr Trump was also a big supporter of the decision to vote Leave, even describing himself as ‘Mr Brexit’.

The comments from Mr DeSantis will fuel hopes that a Republican win next year could revive the prospects of a UK/US trade deal.

The idea was seen as one of the key economic prizes of Brexit, but has stalled since President Trump left office, with British Prime Ministers reluctantly accepting that Joe Biden, who opposed Brexit, has no interest in agreeing a trade deal. Ministers have focused instead on agreeing smaller deals with individual US states.

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