Try Noom's 14 day trial from just £1 | The Sun

IF losing weight or maintaining a healthier lifestyle is on your new year resolutions list for 2023, then Noom has a brilliant offer to get you started.

Whether you have plans to get fitter, or want to feel good in your clothes again – Noom is here to help.

Noom Weight is a weight loss programme that doesn’t just aim to help you lose weight, but also change your eating habits and mindset around food. 

Unlike other weight loss programmes, rather than focus on what you should or shouldn’t be eating, Noom's psychology-based approach helps you change the way you think and feel about food.

Using Noom, you'll be matched to expert coaches to help youcreate better habits and transition to a healthier lifestyle.

For a limited time, Noom is offering a 14-day trial of its program from just £1, (yes, the same price as a pint of milk).

What is included in the Noom app?

Noom offers great benefits including a handy app, where you’ll get access to daily lessons, food tracking, fitness coaches and expert guides, exercise tracking and much more.

To help you keep track of everything, you can also sync Noom Weight with your Apple Watch, Fitbit or Garmin fitness watch.

When you join Noom Weight you’ll also become part of a community of like-minded people, with the app providing easy access to forums and chat boards as well as advice pages.

Take a short 10 minute quiz, and with the click of a few buttons you can kickstart your health journey .

Head to Noom to get your 14 day trial from £1..

What can you eat on Noom?

This is where the good news comes in.

Most programmes only provide an ‘eat this and not that’ approach, which can be difficult to sustain long term.

With Noom, nothing is off limits and you can still eat all of your favourites.

So if you fancy eating chips, cake and cheese (maybe not all at the same time), then you can.

All you need to do is log the foods you’re eating and aim to stay within your recommended calorie range.

What do Noom reviews say?

In one study of almost 36,000 Noom Weight users, almost 80 percent reported weight loss.

And there are many reviews online from happy Noom customers, both past and present.

Raouf, a Noom Weight user, said: "I’ve learned a lot about the psychology of food and the mental blocks we all have as we go through change. I sleep a lot better, I am far more mentally alert, and feel more confident."

Another Noom Weight user, Carrie, added: "I had tried working out and crash diets but it didn’t teach me why I ate the way I did. (Noom taught me) how to change those habits for a lifetime not just for a few months."

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