HBO Max has canceled six upcoming animated series, including “Batman: Caped Crusader,” Variety has learned. The project was ordered to series in May 2021 with Bruce Timm, J.J. Abrams, Matt Reeves attached to executive produce.

The other series on the chopping block are “Merry Little Batman,” “The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes Movie,” “Bye Bye Bunny: A Looney Tunes Musical,” “Did I Do That to The Holidays: A Steve Urkel Story” and “The Amazing World of Gumball: The Movie.” Production on all six series continues, with plans to shop them to platforms besides HBO Max. Warner Bros. Animation is the studio for each, with the exception of “The Amazing Word of Gumball,” which is being produced by H-B Studios Europe.

“Batman: Caped Crusader” was meant to build on “Batman: The Animated Series,” which was co-created by Timm and aired on Fox Kids for 85 episodes from 1992-1995. This is the second project from J.J. Abrams that Warner Bros. Discovery has recently decided not to move forward with — HBO let go of his science fiction drama “Demimonde” in June.

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