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Welcome to August, Libra! A psychological breakthrough arrives at the start of the month when Mars and Uranus meet in Taurus on August 1. You may be ready to take a risk, dive into therapy, or face some of your fears. Change can feel destabilizing, but you can reclaim your power now. Mercury enters Virgo on August 3 and moves through a secluded sector of your chart. You may be craving more solitude, processing a loss, or just feeling exhausted. Listen to your body. If you need rest, take it!

If you’ve been sorting through some heavier themes from your psyche, you may feel a tinge of sadness or loss on August 7 when Mars in Taurus clashes with Saturn in Aquarius. Self-forgiveness is key. This is a reminder that you deserve more pleasure in your life. How can you cultivate more joy?

Did someone say family drama? On August 8, Venus in Cancer is at odds with Pluto in Capricorn. Skeletons from the closet resurface and you’re forced to confront some shadows that lie within your family unit. This is a time to break generational patterns that no longer serve you and reveal any information you’ve been holding back.

The Full Moon in Aquarius on August 11 can bring some drama related to children or creativity. If you have children, this may be a more tense time, or if you’re hoping to expand your family, you may be sorting through some harsh realities. If you’re working on a creative project, this is major writer’s block energy. You may receive some sort of rejection, but remember: That only means you were talking with the wrong person. Some good news: Venus enters Leo on the same day, and you’re feeling more supported by your community and friends. Lean on them.

On August 14, the Sun in Leo opposes Saturn in Aquarius. You may be putting in some serious, dedicated work when it comes to a community project or group you’re a member of. This can also be the type of energy that has you canceling plans last minute because another responsibility pops up. Just remember: This is temporary. Some better news arrives on August 18 when Venus in Leo shares a kiss with Jupiter in Aries. An ally, colleague, or someone in your network may connect you with an opportunity of your dreams or help you inch closer toward some of your goals or ambitions. Express your gratitude and reflect on all the things in your life you are grateful for–magic is in the air.

Next up, Mars enters Gemini on August 20, where it will remain until March of next year due to a retrograde! You’re overhauling your thought process and perspective. At the same time, you may be investing your energy into a new area of study or feel more called to seek out adventure and risks.

The Sun enters Virgo on August 22, kicking off Virgo season 2022! You’re reuniting with your spiritual practices. Has your work-life balance been out of whack? It’s time to commit to developing new practices and habits that are supportive of the life you want to live. Mercury enters your sign on August 25 and you’re speaking your desires into existence! Your magnetism is noticeable, and some news you’ve been waiting for may arrive sooner than you expected. This is a time to refocus on your personal goals. Where do you want to be one year from now? Call it in!

Do your best to resist an old habit or pattern on August 25 when the Sun in Virgo clashes with Mars in Gemini. There is a tendency to escape and default to some of our old subconscious programming. Don’t let your limiting beliefs run the show! You’ve made so much progress.

A New Moon in Virgo on August 27 rounds out the month and closes a cycle for you. You may be grieving the loss of something or someone, or perhaps you’re recuperating from burnout or being sick. This is time to focus on tending to your mental, spiritual, and physical health. A new path is available–you don’t have to run on empty any longer.

As the month closes out, discord and conflicts within your friendships or community can show up when Venus in Leo opposes Saturn in Aquarius on August 28. If you’re dating, this can land as some type of rejection—or perhaps you’re the one doing the rejecting! This may signal the end of some sort of relationship, or an opportunity to get on the same page. Trust your intuition. You’ll know what feels best and what you deserve.

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