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BBC Breakfast viewers were floored after watching Charlie Stayt's interview with Grant Shapps.

Charlie, 60, was presenting alongside co-host Naga Munchetty and welcomed the transport secretary to the studio to discuss the current strikes.

The interview immediately got off to a hostile start when veteran Charlie said: "You're the transport minister, and it's almost like you're suggesting it doesn't have much to do with you? Why are you not more involved in this process?"

A defensive Shapps responded: "Why do you say that? I don't think that's right at all, I'm involved in it every single day, almost every hour.

"Give me an example. Yesterday during the strike day, what actually did you do?"

Schapps told the presenter that he had a meeting where he looked at the overall picture and tried to "work out" how to get the "offer on the table."

"Did that meeting happen yesterday?," repeated Charlie.

Schapps assured that it did take place yesterday and went on to explain that they're trying to get rid of "out of date practices."

"This I understand is all a part of your 16 day plan, Charlie said, adding: "There is just one plan that would work quite nicely thank you and that's getting the strikes stopped."

Shortly after, the two began interrupting each other before Charlie put his foot down, saying: "Hold on a minute, Mr Shapps."

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