Horoscopes today – Russell Grants star sign forecast for January 23

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A new situation may take some getting used to. It will feel like you’re swimming in deep water. A workmate who is pessimistic most of the time will be anxious. For once you will agree there is cause for concern but you will do your best to remain calm so as not to panic them.


If you manage to make an early start, you can expect to make good progress. Be sure to avoid a talkative friend or neighbour and indeed anyone who has a tendency to be demanding. Complete what has already been started before taking on any more.


When a colleague or neighbour meets a situation they cannot handle on their own, they will turn to you for advice or practical assistance. This is a responsibility you may not particularly relish as you could find yourself having to make a difficult decision for them.


When a housemate or relative pushes back against your plans and ideas, your first reaction is to retreat emotionally. A fear of rejection causes you to avoid an emotional situation entirely when your head is telling you that the best thing you can do is talk it through.


Regardless of your educational level, there is always scope to learn more. A lecture, workshop or seminar will stimulate your mind and imagination. Ideas for future projects will fill your mind. Giving yourself time to listen and absorb what is being said will increase the positive impact of this experience.


News someone at home has to tell you will come as something of a shock. A relative is about to make some big changes. It would upset them if you were to comment or criticise even though you feel they should take more time to think this through.


You will feel so strongly about an issue that crops up today that even if it displeases someone, it is important for you to speak your mind. Libra may be the sign of balance and although normally you would do anything for the sake of peace and harmony, today is the exception.


You feel you are being absolutely clear about your intentions but someone will deliberately or otherwise, misunderstand what you are saying. Problems will occur if feelings are repressed. Get whatever you are thinking and feeling out in the open. Don’t hold back from expressing your wildest ideas, this evening.


Whatever you are doing, something happens or someone will say something that makes things a little awkward. Your ex could be involved in some embarrassing way. Anxiety will rear its head as worrisome thoughts wash over you if you are trying to untangle a financial issue.


Just because you aren’t able to justify your current goals, it does not mean they should be dismissed completely. If you want something badly enough you will find a way to make it happen. It would be good if others are respectful and considerate when you suggest discussing your ideas further.


Some people value your friendship because of what you can do for them. They will always take advantage of your generous spirit. When you add up everything you have done for someone recently, you should feel justified to do something special for yourself.


It can be hard to believe how awkward and confrontational some people can be. When you come up against someone who seems out to make trouble, rather than retaliating and getting into a row, turn your back on them and walk away.

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